Russia Intends to Revise Policy towards Armenia

PanARMENIAN.Net - Administration of the Russian President intends to revise its policy line in relations with Armenia, said professor Mikhail Meyer, the Director of the Institute of Asian and African Studies of Moscow State University. In his words, relations with a strategic partner as Armenia is for Russia, should be closer. «Absence of scientific and cultural ties between our countries in latest 10-15 years have had a negative impact on the relations. After the collapse of the USSR a situation that is very unfavorable for Russia was formed: it does not have specialists on CIS countries. Now the state of affairs started improving, however there is a lack of Armenian teachers, especially grabar (ancient Armenian),» the professor noted.

He also remarked that certain progress is available on the way of Armenia and Russia becoming closer. «Academician Mikhail Piotrovsky was in Yerevan lately, my colleague Vitaly Naumkin is in Yerevan now, specialist on Arab countries Dmitry Frolov is soon expected to arrive. We almost do not know the works of contemporary Armenian historians, however I hope the gap will be filled,» Mikhail Meyer remarked.

Professor Mikhail Meyer is in Yerevan on the invitation of the South Caucasian branch of the Caucasus Democracy Institute development foundation.
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