Death penalty cancellation and Kurd newspaper publication permission did not solve all the obstacle problems of Turkey’s joining to the European Community.

Legislative amendments package adopted by Turkey parliament at the end of last week did not remove the obstacles on the Ankara’s way of joining the European Community. European Commission as an executive came out against speeding up Turkey admittance to European people’s family. Gjunter Ferholgen, representative of Eurocommission subcommittee concerned the European Community extension, has mentioned that notwithstanding the adopted amendments, before beginning discussions of Turkey possible joining EC it is necessary to look through the future progress of current affairs connected with Kurds and religious minorities rights guaranteeing.
PanARMENIAN.Net - Besides he has mentioned that Ankara also has to “make a contribution to positive solving of Cyprus problem”. So, it is obvious, that the initiator of the legislative amendments Prime Minister Bjulent Ejevit, who prepared to end his political career, will not happen to be the historical man, which cut window through in Europe.

“ Has been voted for adopting this package Turkey find itself in the equal state with the enjoying full rights European family members. Now all our laws coincide with the laws of world democratic powers. Now one’s respect us as the advanced state where human rights as well as the national minorities’ rights are fully guaranteed. Therefore, after having acted so Turkey expect from the European Community passing the resolution of its full and equal membership. No one of the European Community member can find any reasons to prevent Turkey’s membership”, - declared Ejevit just after Great National Assembly adopting the amendments. Prime minister has satisfied himself that all problems have been solved at once owing to reforms including death penalty cancellation, permission to national minorities of having their own mass-media and receiving the primary education in mother language. Thus Ejevit does not consider as obstacles to joining the European Community such actions as Armenians’ genocide in the beginning of the last century, aggression in Cyprus, continuing up to now, cruel repression of Kurd people leaders of national liberation movement and country awful situation with the human rights supporting. However, in Europe think otherwise.

It is surprising that they in Ankara have so many hopes in connection with so insignificant law amendments. It is obvious that some extending of the sphere of Kurd language influence does not solve the Kurd problem as well as the keeping Abdullah Ojalan alive commitment. Nevertheless it is clear that Turk society does not ready even to these unimportant law amendments. There was a people’s protesting action against Ojalan’s death penalty cancellation and also against permitting education in Kurd language in Istanbul at Sunday. Demonstration participants cut off traffic on the largest Istanbul bridge “Bogazichi” which connect Asiatic and European parts of Turkey. Police has forced to use power and arrested tens of people. One of the demonstration initiator Mehmet Alptekin has led the press conference where promised to take vengeance on the death penalty cancellation supporters. Meanwhile vice Prime Minister, National Movement party leader Devlet Bakhcheli already prepared to bring in Constitutional Court the suit action against deputies adopted decision.
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