''Gasprom'' seemingly has submitted the fact that it will have to cede a part of the Armenian market to Iranians.

The working visit of Robert Kocharian to Moscow is considered productive both in Yerevan and Moscow. One of the main subjects discussed during the visit was the energy cooperation. It is interesting that the visit of Kocharian to Moscow coincided with signing of an agreement on construction of Iran-Armenia gas pipeline in Yerevan. Hardly this happened by a pure accident.
PanARMENIAN.Net - The subject was discussed at the meetings of Robert Kocharyan with Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov, President of the Gasprom Boris Miller, Head of the ITERA Victor Makarov, President of the RAO EES Anatoly Chubays, Director of the "Prometey" Company Senik Gevorkyan. Moscow's opinion about the project of Iran-Armenia gas pipeline construction can be judged from the position of the Gasprom which was the first interested side as it is the monopolist deliverer of the gas to the Southern Caucasus. Boris Miller assured the journalists that they were not concerned with the agreement.

General Director of the ArmRosGasprom Company Karen Karapetyan also confirmed that the Iranians will not force out the Russians from the Armenian market. He said that the main part of the Iranian gas will be processed to electricity o be delivered again to Iran.

Evidently, the President's visit has really solved the misunderstanding concerning the Iran-Armenia gas pipeline. It is known that all the exporters solve the disputable problems usually by starting talks about increasing the tariffs. It is evident that is Moscow was dissatisfied with the deal Boris Miller would not assure that it was not going to change the tariffs. Besides, the Russian government would not sanction the participation of the Russian company in the tender for laying the pipeline. The fact of participation of the Russians in the tender is confirmed by official sources. Probably it will be the Prometey Company. The company constructs gas pipeline all over the Europe. Its experience and technical resources allow it to receive the order.

For Russia Iran has always been a competitor in the European gas market. However, Moscow has been convinced that the talks about the possibility of the continuation of the gas pipeline through Georgia by the Black Sea to Ukraine have no real basis. However, Armenia should not forget about the possibility to become a transit country. Two years ago the Russian Voce-Premier Victor Khristenko said that though Iran is a competitor, "mutual concessions should be made". It is not excluded that soon the parties will have to discuss those "mutual concessions"...
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