Baku more openly interferes in the internal affairs of the neighbour country

The Georgian special services investigate circumstances of incident in Vakhtangisi village (Gardaban region, Kvemo Kartli province) which is populated by Azeris. On Wednesday several hundreds armed residents of that village captured a group of Georgian Ministry of Finance financial police officers who had arrived to check if there was contraband. The officers of that department discovered contraband goods kept in the village to the amount of almost 3 million dollars which was illegally conveyed through the frontiers from Azerbaijan. The hostages could be released only after arrival of the internal forces detachment and SWAT division of the Ministry of National Security. The Head of the Financial Police David Kezerashvili was also among the hostages.
PanARMENIAN.Net - The relations between Kvemo Kartli residents and Georgian authorities become sharper day by day. Last week in neighbour village of Marneul region another incident appeared. During a skirmish an old Azeri woman was killed with a rebounded bullet. Azeris consider the Georgians as initial aggressors. They were security guards from a stud-farm situated there. Meanwhile it is known that the natives have illegally intruded into a territory which was a private property. First of all amazes the fact that Baku calls it "intrigues of Armenians". This strange version rose on the grounds that owner of the stud-farm is supposedly friends with the Spokesman of the Georgian Parliament Zurab Zhvaniya whose mother is Armenian.

The incident was used by certain powers to incite the native Azeris against the Georgian authorities and the neighbouring Armenians. The leaders of local radicals more often venture to talk to Georgian authorities in language of ultimatum. On Thursday another ultimatum expired, which they presented to Mikhail Saakashvilli. (The claims considered the investigation of the old woman's death circumstances). As they were not vouchsafed an answer from the president, Azeris threaten to organize mass actions of disobedience and a march to Tbilisi.

The radicalism of local Azeri activist has a simple explanation. Any legal actions of Georgian authorities in Kvemo Kartli they present as an encroachment upon Azeris. In this way they expect to exempt the local contrabandist from criminal liability and liability in front of fiscal institutions. Behind the backs of figures of unregistered which means illegal Azeri organizations "Birlik" and "Geyrat" stand the bigwigs of illegal business engaged in shadow supply of goods from Azerbaijan. Attempts of competent services to call the local "importers" to account fail just because the authorities are afraid of political consequences in case if Baku perceives a "nationalistic" nature in actions of law machinery. In the meantime the shadow circulation expands every month. It should me noticed that the cargo detained in Vakhtangisi costs almost as much as the annual budget of Gardaban region.

Using the current situation Azerbaijan openly interferes in the internal affairs of Georgia. The other day the Spokesman of Milli Mejlis came down even to a blackmail. He demanded a special treatment for his compatriots giving to understand that in other case Azerbaijan will use its oil instruments to put pressure upon Tbilisi. "Georgia should know that its incomes are formed due to the Baku -Tbilisi -Jeyhan oil pipeline",-he said. At the same time the head of the parliament allowed himself, to put it mildly, a non-diplomatic phrase, which is hard to interpret other than a territorial claim towards the neighbour country.

Speaking of Marneul and Gardaban, Aleskerov stated: "Those lands are Azerbaijani". This sentence is quite enough to realize the complexity of the relations between Azerbaijan and Georgia.
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