Armenian origin." />

Is it possible that in Azerbaijan there is not a single soul, who is capable of accepting the reality left?

Monte's name spread the enormous fear among the Azeri people, the same fear that was caused by the General Andranik among the Ottoman Turks.

We are already used to the fake information disseminated by the Azeri press, which aims at creating "image of enemy Armenians". There is too much unreasonable and ridiculous information provided by the Azeri press, which is published with the violation of ethics. It is already useless to repeat the fact about "the appropriation" of the culture, architectural and even national belongings. According to the Azeri press, there are no Armenians in the world but only Azerbaijani, and today already the second generation is being raised with the same hatred towards all Armenians and all that is of
Armenian origin.
PanARMENIAN.Net - Yet what was published on April 29 in Day. az went beyond all the limits and not to reply to something that concerned the honorable memory of our warriors who gave their life for the independence of the independence of the Nagorno-Karabakh, would be improper. The article entitled "Monte Melkonyan: the disgraceful fall of the legendary commander", written by a Salekh Samadarov, tells a "story" about how the legendary Avo has been beheaded by the valiant Azeri secret service officers with the head of a Ibad Husseinov. The interesting thing is that the article had appeared in the web site during the night but then had immediately disappeared. More probably even for the Azeri it was too unreasonable.

We will not quote from the article now; there is too much lie and hatred in it. The Azeri people at present are the brightest students of the Ottoman Turks, whose aim is to behead, rape, and destroy. However, there is one idea in the article that must be mentioned, for the reader to understand what the article is about. "Ibad ran towards him and with all the power he had hit him on the face with his foot and his boot hit the Armenian warrior's left eye. Then he grasped his throat and started stifling him at the same time calling Fikret to come and behead him. The Armenian has started begging tearfully for mercy, which made Ibad tighten his fingers up around his throat even firmer. For Fikret all that was going on for several seconds was so sudden that it took him some time to put himself together. Ibad had to call Fikrat's name for several times for him to take his dagger off the warrior's throat. Realizing that if the things do not take a more decisive character now, the Armenian would be able to escape, Ibad pushed Fikret away and took his knife and in a couple of minutes only beheaded the Armenian soldier. There was a fountain of blood, and to Ibad's surprise the beheaded soldier still kept on resist. Only after Ibad cut off his hand too, the Armenian finally stopped moving. After that he took off the shoes of the
dead, investigated the body (in the pocket he found a pen on which in Armenian there was the word "Marine", a photograph, notebook and cigarettes), then pulled him to the bushes, so that the body wouldn't be easily found. The place where the murder was committed and which was washed with blood, the two murderers covered with leaves and sand and left the place immediately taking the head and the arm of the dead, the boots, the weapon, the notebook with the photograph, the cigarettes and the pen with them. Ibad also confessed that the operation on Monte Melkonyan's
"abolition" was the easiest one among all the operations he had ever carried out. All the other operations were, as he thinks, really dangerous. The only difference between the "abolition" of Avo and other operations was that in this case he has a physical proof - a photograph, taken in the occupied village in an hour after the execution of the terrorist.
Unfortunately he does not have any proof of other operations. It has not crossed his mind that the time will come when any time when he is asked to tell about his heroic stories he will be asked to show photographs as a proof. And what he never expected at the moment when he was executing the national sentence of the bandit, that after some times some people would try to appropriate the authorship of this heroic deed".

Reading all these ravings one may be surprised at one thing only - is it possible that in Azerbaijan there is not a single soul, who is capable of accepting the reality left? And the most terrible thing is that this the history in different languages and someone who lives thousand miles away from the region may believe that everything was exactly like the Azeri press
says. And if we take into account the fact that people in America are not aware at all of where Armenia or Azerbaijan is. There are all the possibilities that people, who have no idea about what is happening outside their towns, will believe these horrors. Unfortunately the history repeats and again in the form of tragedy: what happened to Armenia in the Ottoman Empire may happen today, and leaving this kind of articles unnoticed would be very wrong.

The worst thing is that the vandalisms committed by Turk-Azeri in Karabakh are reality. Thought what else could one expect from a nation who announced the murderer Ramil Safarov a national hero? For the Turks the number of the
beheaded enemies has always been a special matter of pride. It must be mentioned so, that over the past 100 years they have not changed. And perhaps they have not even tried to change, since even now they raise their kids in the same spirit. We could bring a lot of examples, but let us content ourselves with one only - every day the Azeri press informs "that the Armenian army has opened fire on the Azeri positions". Most probably this has one aim, which is to keep the Azeri nation in constant tension. Yet no body knows what will happen when Baku decides to finally resolve the
"Karabakh issue" with Turkey's example. For the last 93 years the Armenians have realized nobody will ever help them, and that they will have to count on themselves only. This proved the case with the Nagorno-Karabakh, when for
the first time during thousand years they were able to gain their lands back.

As for coming back to Monte, it should be reminded to our neighbors, that it was his name that spread the enormous fear among the Azeri people, the same fear that was caused by the General Andranik among the Ottoman Turks.
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