Tehran to dictate degree of permissibility of ultimatums issued by the West

After Mohammad Khatami, came the era of tough politicians, who are reluctant to follow the lead of any country, and first of all the USA .

Probably, before June 12 no one in the world could believe that Presidential Elections of Iran would lead to disorders, which Tehran hadn't known since the Islamic Revolution of 1979. However, the matter is not only the accusations of the defeated party in falsification of voting results. In previous elections the victory of Ahmadinejad was incontestable - he enlisted the support of not only the poor strata of society, but also, what is equally important, that of the Council of Guardians - the superior body of Iran.
PanARMENIAN.Net - In the hierarchy of power in Iran the President is only a second power, but it is precisely him that represents the country in the world, and the president's actions depend on what foreign policy the Guardians will determine for the state. However, after Mohammad Khatami, who attempted to somewhat improve the perception of Iran by the external world, came the era of tough politicians, who are reluctant to follow the lead of any country, and first of all the USA, and who are ready to defend the nuclear program of the country by any means soever.

It was on this very grounds that 4 years ago Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won the elections. But the world changes, and with Barack Obama elected a President of the USA , it changed even more. The radical statements of the Iranian government no longer get the response they did in the times of presidency of George Bush Junior. If we judge from the point of view of a neutral observer, it is now more preferable for Iran to have a moderate president, who, however, does not deviate from the maxims of Ayatollah Khomeini and neither intends to destroy the power system: the Supreme Leader, the Council of Guardians and the President. Such a "convenient" candidate was Mir Hossein Mousavi.

The Guardian Council of Iran has invited the 3 defeated candidates of Iran 's recent presidential election to its upcoming meeting session which is to be held within the next few days. The council, a 12-member panel of senior Islamic clergy and jurists, is charged with investigating the 646 complaints about electoral fraud. The Council has already stated that it is ready to recount the ballots, but refuses to change election results.

In any event, the course Iran pursues is invariable. It includes work on the nuclear program, intimidation of Israel and increasing tendency to press down the Region.

It is possible that if Mir Hossein Mousavi was (is) elected President, Iran would allow the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to control its nuclear program to a greater extent. I.e. it is the maximum that Europe and USA can get. Dirigible and predictable Iran is important to the USA . And although Iran is already such, America simply wants "its own" Iran . Whether it will come out the way the Obama Administration wants is a big question. Iran is too independent to follow the tastes of any country, and the last 30 years have clearly showed it. Iranian authorities have even accused the European Union of interfering in the domestic affairs of the state.

Meanwhile, Leader of Iranian opposition Mir Hossein Mousavi declared Thursday "Day of Mourning" for those killed in protest actions following the elections. Thousands of his supporters honored the memory of their comrades.

There is no "color revolution" in Iran in its western understanding, neither is it foreseen. In case Mousavi wins the re-count of votes, it will be possible to indicate that Iran and Europe were able to agree on key issues of political and economic character in a brief space of time. But if Ahmadinejad is able to hold power, in the forthcoming years it will be possible to speak with Iran only in the language of force; moreover the degree of permissibility will be dictated by Tehran . And most likely, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will keep the post of the Iranian President…

Karine Ter-Sahakyan
Karine Ter-Sahakyan / PanARMENIAN News
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