Only not bright politicians would not take advantage of the situation in the region to regain lost positions

The understanding reached in Washington about direct talks between Israel and Palestine is likely to fail like the American project for normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations.

If the situation in the South Caucasus is developing exactly as it is introduced to the public by Russian and Armenian mass media, quoting well-known political scientists and experts on Russia and Armenia, then it is high time for Baku to think about her situation and conduct. On the eve of parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan it is very difficult for Baku to change her policy of blackmail and threats against Armenia for something more constructive. And such a turn of events would be disastrous for the current Aliyev regime.

PanARMENIAN.Net - Parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan will be held just as always: with an absolute falsification of the results, possible dispersion of the opposition and regular statements against Armenia. Azerbaijan cannot get along without the latter; it is already like a drug. Roughly speaking, Baku has taken to the needle and it will be extremely painful to get out of this habit. Unfortunately, sobering statements from the USA, Russia and even Turkey do not help. No matter what the Azerbaijani president does – whether he opens a school or visits just another monument to his father – the most important thing for him is to declare that war against NKR is not far off. For the poor and oppressed people all these words may be balm to the soul, but nothing more. Awakening will come too quickly, but Armenia will not have to do much, simply the world community won’t allow. Or even if it allows, only to a certain point. By the way, not once have we discussed this topic. But the geopolitical situation in the region has changed; it began to change still 2 years ago, when the Georgian President, “friend and brother” to Ilham Aliyev, decided for some reason that he can start a blitzkrieg. We all know what Saakashvili “gained”: Russia, that was on the brink of finally losing the Caucasus, because of the reckless policy of the President of Georgia returned to her previous position just in 2 days. It happened at the right time, because almost nothing was left of the former power and influence of the Soviet Union: Iran and Turkey are trying to subdue the Arab world, and Egypt, the recognized leader of the Arab world and of the entire Middle East, definitely wins this fight. Africa is racked by a tribal war; the United States, still in the middle of clearing up relations with Iraq, stuck in Afghanistan. Only not bright politicians would not take advantage of the situation in the region to regain lost positions.

But what the South Caucasus will gain of this is not yet clear. Armenia and Azerbaijan are likely to become a springboard for Russia to start her return to the Middle East. Georgia will only join up to make fashion. The understanding reached in Washington about direct talks between Israel and Palestine will most likely fail like the American project of normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations. Russia, by virtue of a greater awareness about the contracting parties, may pause and then shoulder the negotiating process.

Reverting to Azerbaijan, it can be noted that the position of Azerbaijan in its ostentatious reluctance to negotiate with anyone in the world may lead to a situation when no one shakes hands with Aliyev. And no matter how much mass media of the neighboring country trumpets the unprecedented economic boom, more than half of Azerbaijani population will continue living in poverty. Others will go on living as they live now – on their relatives abroad. Of course, all is not so well with the Armenian economy either, but fake veneers are not used here at least.

Karine Ter-Sahakyan / PanARMENIAN News
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