Heike Renate Peitsch:

Germany Undertook Strong Efforts To Include Armenia Into The European Neighborhood Policy

PanARMENIAN.Net - German Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Armenia Heike Renate Peitsch is responding to PanARMENIAN.Net's questions.
How do You assess the present level of the Armenian-German relations?

Since Armenian independence our both countries have developed very friendly and intense relations in all relevant fields. Concerning the economic cooperation Germany has become Armenia's second largest donor after the United States of America.

Can You comment on the present level of the Armenian-German economic cooperation and prospects of its development?

Thus far the German Government has committed a total of about 169,5 million € for the economic cooperation with Armenia. The main projects of the Technical Cooperation are such as promotion of Small and Medium Enterprises as well as of Local Authorities. The German-Armenian Financial Cooperation includes three main sectors: the energy sector, the rehabilitation of communal infrastructure (water supply and waste water systems) and the promotion of financial and private sector.
As a result of the bilateral negotiations in April 2005 in Bonn an amount of 27 million € has been allocated for the biennium 2005/2006.

Are Germany and Armenia going to implement new programs in the trade-economic and tourism fields?

There are some very promising German investments in Armenia. Other German companies are examining or preparing a stronger engagement in Armenia. But let me stress the fact that it is the responsibility of the Armenian government to create a friendly environment for foreign investments e.g. by a transparent legal system.

Which are the prospects of the development of the political relations between our states after Armenia's inclusion in the Wider Europe: New Neighbors EU Program?

Particularly Germany undertook strong efforts to include Armenia into the European Neighbourhood Policy which constitutes an important step in the process of approaching Armenia towards European structures. After publishing of the country report last March we expect now the negotiations between the EU Commission and the Armenian government on an Action Plan to begin as soon as possible.

How the discussions on the adoption of the resolution condemning the Armenian Genocide can affect the German-Turkish relationships? How the adoption of the resolution will affect the Armenian-German relations?

We have always used our good relations with both countries to encourage them to enter into a direct dialogue. Also Federal Foreign Minister Fischer underlined this policy during his visit to Yerevan in April 2004.

Is it possible that under Turkey's pressure the discussions on the draft resolution will be suspended or cancelled?

How to deal with the draft resolution remains the responsibility of the German Bundestag.
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