Turkish PM says Annan peace plan "last chance" for Syria

Turkish PM says Annan peace plan

PanARMENIAN.Net - Turkey said Friday, March 30 that a peace plan by U.N. envoy Kofi Annan is the "last chance" for the embattled Syrian regime and that it will face "strong measures" from the international community if it fails to implement the deal, The Associated Press reports.

Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu did not specify what those measures might be, saying it was the responsibility of the U.N. Security Council to address the matter. However, Russia and China have blocked action at the United Nations against Syrian President Bashar Assad, and Turkey and its allies are frustrated over the lack of international consensus on the Syrian crackdown.

Saudi Arabia and Qatar want to arm Syrian rebels, but Turkey and the United States have so far resisted the idea amid doubts over the composition of scattered opposition forces and fears that an influx of weapons into Syria could escalate the conflict. Turkey, which shares a long border with Syria, is making contingency plans for a buffer zone in Syria if refugee flows become overwhelming.

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