Expert: many people ready to vote for electoral bribe

Expert: many people ready to vote for electoral bribe

PanARMENIAN.Net - Information technology expert Samvel Martirosyan commented on May 7 on numerous cases of electoral bribing during the May 6 parliamentary voting.

“It is painful to see that large share of population is ready to vote for an electoral bribe; furthermore, they would be afraid to vote for someone else,” expert told a press conference in Yerevan.

“This means that 20 years later a referendum on surrendering Zangezour to Azerbaijan may be held, and we might give it for a jam, with such population,” he said.

Martirosyan also slammed statements of opposition leaders who urged people to take the bribe and then vote for another political force.

“I don’t know what else can be said, when top politicians say – go and commit a crime, then another one,” the expert said reminding that taking a bribe is a criminal offence. I do not want to throw mud at the whole country, but we appear to be a state of bribers from top to down,” he declared.

For his part, information security expert Tigran Kocharyan mentioned that despite mass electoral bribes, very few reports came about specific case of bribery.

“We should teach people that roof renovation or another AMD 10000 will not change their future,” he said.

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