Suicide attempt, death incident in army - paper

Suicide attempt, death incident in army - paper

PanARMENIAN.Net - Hraparak paper reports new fatal army incidents in Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh.

A suicide incident occurred in a military unit in Armenia’s Gegharkunik province on May 8.

Preliminary version says that serviceman Samvel Avetisyan shoot himself in the throat in a suicide attempt; fortunately, he survived and was taken to military hospital in Vardenis, according to the paper.

“However, rumors say this was not a suicide but rather a homicide attempt, while they try to conceal this incident under a suicide cover,” Hraparak claims.

The second incident took place in a military unit in Stepanakert, NKR. Serviceman Gor Martirosyan suddenly died during psychical training here, the preliminary version says.

NKR Defense Ministry’s spokesman Senor Hasratyan confirmed the fatal incident, providing no details into the case.

In addition, Movses and Chinari frontier villages in Armenia’s Tavush province appeared under constant fire by Azerbaijanis on May 8 night, from 9pm to 2am on May 9.

Fortunately, the shootings damaged the houses only, with no human injuries.

Festivities on May 9 Victory Day were postponed in some villages due to shootings, Hraparak reports.

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