U.S. health experts back HIV-prevention pill amid controversy

U.S. health experts back HIV-prevention pill amid controversy

PanARMENIAN.Net - A panel of U.S. health experts has for the first time backed a drug to prevent HIV infection in healthy people, BBC News reported.

The panel recommended U.S. regulators approve the daily pill, Truvada, for use by people considered at high risk of contracting the Aids virus.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is not required to follow the panel's advice, but it usually does.

Some health workers and groups active in the HIV community have opposed the approval of the drug. However, the move could prove to be a new milestone in the fight against HIV/Aids.

Truvada is already approved by the FDA for people who are HIV-positive, and is taken along with existing anti-retroviral drugs.

Studies from 2010 showed that Truvada, made by California-based Gilead Sciences, reduced the risk of HIV in healthy gay men - and among HIV-negative heterosexual partners of people who are HIV-positive - by between 44% and 73%.

The Antiviral Drugs Advisory Committee, which advises the FDA, voted 19-3 in favour of prescribing the drug to the highest risk group - non-infected men who have sex with multiple male partners.

They also approved it, by majority votes, for uninfected people with HIV-positive partners and for other groups considered at risk of acquiring HIV through sexual activity.

The votes followed an 11-hour meeting of the panel in Silver Spring, Maryland, and a lengthy public comments session. Opposition to the prospect of approving the drug is based on concerns that users could gain a false sense of security, and fears of a drug-resistant strain of HIV.

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