Book about Karabakh already available in Arabic

Book about Karabakh already available in Arabic

PanARMENIAN.Net - A book titled “Karabakh Diary: Green and Black” was published in Arabic in Beirut.

The first edition came out in 2008. The author, Civilitas Foundation expert and journalist Tatul Hakobyan worked on the book for over 6 years. Karabakh Diary portrays the Artsakh liberation movement , the negotiation process, as well as Armenian-Azerbaijani clashes. Since 2008, the book has been published five times in Russian, English and Western-Armenian. “Karabakh Diary: Green and Black “will soon come out also in Turkish.

The book was translated into Arabic by a member of Arab Writer’s Union Dr. Nora Arissian, with all the expenses covered by Beirut-based businessman Sarkis Boudakian.

Beirut is planned to host the presentation of “Karabakh Diary: Green and Black” in near future.

The second book by Tatul Hakobyan titled “Glance from Ararat: Armenians and Turks” was published this year in Western and Eastern Armenian languages. It will be available also in English soon.

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