British company to manage Nairit chemical giant?

British company to manage Nairit chemical giant?

PanARMENIAN.Net - On May 21, the employees of Nairit were instructed to clean the chemical plant’s production facilities. As the employees were informed, a visit of representatives of a British company is expected on May 24, with a decision on assuming control of the plant management to be taken.

The plant press-service, however, refused to provide any info on the news above.

As the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Armen Movsisyan stated earlier, the selection of a managing company for Nairit is to be finalized in the months to come, with the plant to resume operations soon.

Last year, the government of Armenia developed a $512 million worth program for reconstruction and development of Nairit; the investments were to be allocated to upgrading the plant and covering the debts.

It will soon be 2 years since Nairit has stopped operations, with 3000 employees, left unpaid for months, periodically organizing protest rallies.

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