Rumors of Kocharian’s return false, unless confirmed by fall – expert

Rumors of Kocharian’s return false, unless confirmed by fall – expert

PanARMENIAN.Net - Rumors have recently circulated about the comeback of the second President of Armenia Robert Kocharian, head of the Institute of East European and CIS said.

As Alexander Tsinker told PanARMENIAN.Net the rumors are mainly conditioned by Kocharian’s trips to Moscow and meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin. This serves basis for Armenian media to center on Kocharian’s possible return, drawing an analogy with Putin.

“I see no similarity, because Putin never forsook politics, for four years he occupied prime ministerial post and, in fact, ruled the country. Kocharian will be forced to start from zero point if he returns to politics. This will take time, as well as financial and political support. I am sure Prosperous Armenia will be the party to endorse him. If the rumors on his comeback are not confirmed by fall, they will never be confirmed,” Mr.Tsinker said.

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