Baku’s imagination runs wild with reasons behind Azeri soldier’s death

Baku’s imagination runs wild with reasons behind Azeri soldier’s death

PanARMENIAN.Net - Azerbaijani defense officials are rivaling in concocting reasons to justify their soldiers’ deaths. Azeri servicemen “commit mass suicide, get blown up by mine, drown in Kur River and die in accidents.” The concrete slab which “collapsed, killing two and injuring one soldier” is beyond the competition.

However, this time Baku resolved to think of a new reason, tired of the previous ones.

“Azerbaijani servicemen suffered non-combat losses. Aliyev Ehtiram Seyfaddin, 1968, died of heart and lung failure at hospital,” Azeri media outlets report.

Azerbaijan’s logic is quite conceivable, given official Baku’s impossibility to let the public learn that “soldiers of the most combat-ready army” in the region die in attacks and provocations against Armenia and Artsakh. Hence, necessity arises for concocting different reasons due to Azeri continuous attacks.

However, trying to retain its army’s image, Azerbaijan fails to consider the following: sooner or later, the society, which is constantly brainwashed, may wonder why so many accidents are reported in Azeri army.

Marina Ananikyan / PanARMENIAN News
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