PanARMENIAN.Net - Today before the debates on the issue at the top summit of the European states the deputies of the European Parliament will ballot on opening negotiations on Turkey's admission to the EU. At that the EU is not obliged to follow the results of the voting and will take an independent decision whether to start the negotiations or not. However, upon completion of the presumable talks the final decision on Turkey's joining the EU will be taken by the Europarliament. Meanwhile at the press conference in Strasbourg leaders of the EP factions commented on their stands on the coming voting. The French and German Christian democrats are to vote against while their British, Italian and Spanish fellows are favoring opening EU membership talks with Turkey. Representatives of French right-wing parties also speak for including some changes in the report due to which the voting will be held. In part, they suggest that the demand on the Armenian Genocide recognition be inserted in it. Rallies "for" and "against" Turkey's admission to the EU are expected to be organized in Strasbourg. It is known that Anti-Turkish marches will be initiated by the French National Front.
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