Russia likely to extend Azerbaijan’s Gabala radar lease

Russia likely to extend Azerbaijan’s Gabala radar lease

PanARMENIAN.Net - Russia will likely extend its lease on the Gabala radar complex in Azerbaijan for up to three years on the current terms, RIA Novosti reported citing a source close to the negotiations.

Media reports in spring this year said Baku wanted to raise rents on the radar complex, a key link in Russia’s air defenses, to $300 million a year from the current $7 million a year.

A source close to Russia’s military command said recently that Azerbaijan was taking “an unconstructive approach” in the negotiations. “Now the talk is about extending the [lease] agreement for two-three year under the current terms, including financial terms,” the source said.

The Soviet Union built the Gabala Radar Station in 1985. It is currently operated by the Russian Aerospace Defense Forces.

The complex, designed to detect missile launches as far away as the Indian Ocean, covers India and the entire Middle East.

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