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PanARMENIAN.Net - Georgian Parliament Speaker Nino Burjanadze yesterday confirmed to journalists that Presidents of Armenia and Georgia Robert Kocharian and Mikhail Saakashvili will discuss the situation over the Russian military base in Akhalkalaki in the south of Georgia. "Unofficial meetings can result in very positive outcomes, which are better than those brought by tete-a-tete talks of the Presidents in the course of official visits," Burjanadze said. She also said she "was satisfied" with "Armenian official authorities and first of all the President of the country have stated quite unambiguously that the issue of withdrawal of Russian bases is Georgia's domestic affair, and it has to decide itself, Armenia will not voice an official position over the issue." It should be reminded that in the opinion of some experts, Kocharian's unexpected unofficial visit to Georgia is first of all due to the actions of the Armenian population of the south of the country protesting against withdrawal of the Russian military base from Akhalkalaki becoming frequent. The population fears that after the withdrawal of the base it will be deprived of the only source of stable income: most of the region residents work at the base. Besides, the Akhalkalaki residents are worried about the opportunity of replacement of the Russian base with a NATO one, specifically, a Turkish base.
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