Civilitas Foundation says its staff being spied

Civilitas Foundation says its staff being spied

PanARMENIAN.Net - Civilitas Foundation has issued a statement after its founder, ex-Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian was stripped of deputy immunity and accused of fund misuse.

“Our country's law enforcement agencies have begun to earnestly "protect" the interests of Civilitas and its staff. In recent days, certain individuals have followed our staff members with an inordinate amount of interest and concern, not simply when they are in public spaces gathering signatures against political persecution. Those individuals do not hesitate to blatantly follow our staff all the way to their homes,” the Foundation said.

“Such actions are unacceptable and do not correspond in any way with the responsibilities of any government agency. Just as the tax inspections and the baseless gossip found in certain media did not succeed in weakening the resolve of Civiitas staff, these methods too will be ineffective.

Our work, as in the past, and now as well is maximally transparent and public, and it would be far better if law enforcement and security agencies were to occupy themselves with the real issues regarding state security.”

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