Turkish airline: Van-Yerevan flight operation undecided

Turkish airline: Van-Yerevan flight operation undecided

PanARMENIAN.Net - Operation of Van-Yerevan flights by Borajet private Turkish company is still undecided, Trend reported, citing the airline.

According to the received information, “the parties are still negotiating, with no agreement reached on the issue.”

"It's too early to speak about the operation of Van-Yerevan flight. At this stage, negotiations are being held between the parties," the company said.

The company said the planes will only carry passengers,with no cargo flights considered, if an agreement is reached.

Earlier, head of Union of Manufacturers and Businessmen (Employers) of Armenia (UMB(E)A) Arsen Ghazaryan said Yerevan-Van direct flight package was ready, with Armenian and Turkish aviation managements having given consent.

Mr. Ghazaryan further stressed the need for Yerevan-Van flights to operate on a regular basis, which will contribute to development of Armenian-Turkish economic relations.

“We are trying to cooperate with Turkish services,” he said, underscoring the importance of the flight, given Ankara’s consent to Yerevan-Istanbul flights.

Yerevan-Van-Yerevan direct flight package was developed in the framework of “Support to Armenia-Turkey Rapprochement” project.

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