Armenian envoy responds to article distorting Karabakh issue

Armenian envoy responds to article distorting Karabakh issue

PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenian ambassador to Egypt Armen Melkonian published an article in Al-Ahram weekly, in response to another publication distorting Nagorno Karabakh issue and Khojalu events.

Ambassador Melkonian presented the truth on Khojalu, as well as the fact that some Azerbaijanis daring question Baku’s official position on the issue were later punished, with former president Ayaz Mutallibov, journalist Fatullayev and photographer Mustafaev among them.

The envoy noted evading responsibility for Azeri-led massacres targeting Armenians in Sumgait, Baku, Kirovabad and Maraga as the goal of Azerbaijani propaganda.

Ambassador Melkonian further briefed on the true reasons about Nagorno Karabakh conflict, the settlement process and the positions of Azerbaijan and Armenia on the issue.

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