Activists to urge UN to include Sevan in UNESCO natural monuments list (video)

Activists to urge UN to include Sevan in UNESCO natural monuments list

PanARMENIAN.Net - On April 1-4, Terra Viva international environmental movement participants, led by president Nikolay Drozdov, will conduct an international telethon, with Armenian ministry representatives, heads of business companies, scientists and journalists, as well as UN Resident Coordinator in Armenia to participate.

Inclusion of Sevan in UNESCO natural monuments list will be in the focus of the telethon.

The intuitive will help preserve Sevan as a unique natural monument and raise awareness on the lake, according to Terra Viva website.

Cooperation in tourism industry, environmental entrepreneurship and innovative technology will be discussed, with a call to include Lake Sevan in UNESCO natural monuments list to be issued to the UN.

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