Euro-Integration Priority to Armenia without Alternative

PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenia should develop its relations with Russia, as well as the US and neighboring states, however European structures and Euro-integration are a priority to Armenia that has not any alternatives. To that end Armenia should comply with European standards. Armenian National Assembly Vice-Speaker Tigran Torosyan stated it at a meeting with students to discuss constitutional reforms. In his words, those who call to say "no" at the referendum on the Constitution or boycott it cannot ground their stand.

"The question is politicized. However, considering constitutional reforms in the context of authorities versus opposition is erroneous. Does not the opposition need good documents to base its activities upon them in the future? Parliamentary and presidential elections lie ahead and a new team will come to power. Do we wish Armenia to say its weighty word as a full member of the international community? The Constitution in effect can answer these question," Torosyan said. "Having strong voice in international organizations will help solve the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, while as long as we have shortcomings Armenia and Azerbaijan will be considered in the same aspect."

Head of the Parliamentary Commission for Foreign Relations Armen Rustamyan stated the Constitution in effect is "a bitter product we have been eating for 10 years already and will be eating further if we say "no" to draft changes at the referendum. The whole bitterness should be withdrawn from the Constitution." "Boycotting the referendum or saying "no" will not result in change of authorities. We will just live another 7-9 years with the old Constitution, which hampers democratization. According to the law in case of failure of a referendum a new one may be organized only in a year, however it is doomed to failure as the same people will be in the power and in the opposition in 2006. After the presidential elections in 2008 no new state leader will agree to reduction of his power and this means 5 years without changes. Thus, we will have to wait till 2013," A. Rustamyan stated, reported IA Regnum.
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