Russian National Expo to Be Held in Yerevan December 2-5

PanARMENIAN.Net - Russian National Exhibition and an economic forum will be held in Yerevan December 2-5, thus completing the events marking the Year of Russia in Armenia. The exposition has transport, energy, electronics, instrument-making, chemical materials, special furniture sections. The exhibition will complete the demonstration of production of Russian regions, held during the year and will present joint Russian-Armenian projects.

The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation has organized the expo. December 3 Russian Premier Mikhail Fradkov will visit the exhibition and the forum.

An economic forum on bilateral cooperation matters will be held within the framework of the Russian national expo. Russian and Armenian officials, representatives of political, business and cultural circles, expo participants, partners from the CIS and Armenia's neighboring countries will take part in it.
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