Cooperation Plan for 2006 between Armenian and Belarusian MODs Signed in Yerevan

PanARMENIAN.Net - Today Armenian and Belarusian Defense Ministers Serge Sargsyan and Leonid Maltsev signed the Cooperation Plan between the MODs of the two states for 2006. As Serge Sargsyan informed upon completion of the signing ceremony, the Defense Ministers held a tete-a-tete meeting that was followed by negotiations targeted at deepening the cooperation in bilateral and multilateral format. "Today we have signed the cooperation plan for 2006, which calls for conduction of a series of events in various fields and I hope that in late 2006 - early 2007 we will fix considerable progress in our relations," Serge Sargsyan said. When commenting on the spheres of cooperation the RA Defense Minister said, "I am interested in strengthening of the efficiency of the Armed Forces, specifically the military-technical and military-educational spheres."

When touching upon the reformation of the RA army Serge Sargsyan stated that Belarusian experience can be very useful for Armenia. "As Leonid Maltsev said earlier, reformation is not reduction. Proceeding from today's realities and relations with neighbor states we will continue the reformation of our army. These steps should be targeted at strengthening the efficiency of our army," Serge Sargsyan noted adding that Belarusian experience in modernization of the existing armament, what is a constituent of army reformation process. At that the RA Defense Minister noted that over 300 agreements were signed between Yerevan and Minsk in the military sphere. In his words, the existing legal field allows to cooperate in future.

For his part Belarusian defense Minister, Colonel General Leonid Maltsev noted that negotiations with the Armenian counterpart were fruitful and this inspires assurance for the further development of the Armenian-Belarusian military cooperation. In his words, the relations are substantially developing and targeted at strengthening security of Armenia and Belarus. "It is not important in which format we cooperate, let it be within the CSTO or CIS. It is important that this cooperation will be of benefit for Armenia and Belarus," Leonid Maltsev said.
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