Armenian President expects quality indicators from new govt.

Armenian President expects quality indicators from new govt.


Armenia held three electrons in a year, President Serzh Sargsyan said.

According to him, the country gained a strong political institution following the parliamentary polls and a new political force after the presidential vote.

“During the city council elections RA citizens offered support for the officials who take true measures. Every election is a test for our country and democracy,” President Sargsyan said.

Dwelling on the future steps, he said all necessary prerequisites exist for the government to report progress.

In this context the president noted that the government was tasked with ensuring 7% growth in 2012, with a similar task set for 2013.

“This time we expect quality indicators and solutions to the social problems,” he said, adding that the strategy adopted will result in increase in pensions and salaries.

Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan, in turn, pledged to justify the president’s and the citizens’ expectations.

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