Armenian Internet Union Called to Condemn Act of Vandalism in Nakhichevan

PanARMENIAN.Net - As PanARMENIAN.Net came to know from the OpenArmenia website administration, the Armenian Internet Union made a statement over the destruction of the Armenian Khachkars (cross-stones), gravestones and monuments in Nakhichevan. The statement says in part, "We, the representatives of the Armenian community, with deep regret and pain learned of the destruction of Armenian Khachkars in Old Juga in Nakhichevan, where several dozens of Azeri soldiers, armed with hammers, spades and heavy devices, entered the Armenian cemetery and destroyed the monuments not only of the Armenian but also of world civilization. We call upon the international community to pay attention to this act of vandalism against human cultural heritage.

While the international community is making every effort to reconcile two peoples, this act of vandalism demonstrates the real intention of the Azerbaijani leadership to complete the ethnic cleansing of the Armenian population of Nakhichevan by perpetrating cultural genocide and destroying the remnants of the Armenian civilization in this part of Armenians' historical homeland. Azerbaijan kept on committing acts of vandalism during the whole soviet period and has been doing the same after acquiring independence. In 2002 the destruction of the Armenian Khachkars was stopped thanks to joint effort of Armenia and the UNESCO. However Azerbaijan pursues the policy of cultural genocide roughly violating its commitments to the UNESCO. No single Azeri NGO or intellectual condemned the leadership for their deeds. Such cynicism gives shock. Under such circumstances any call to reconciliation of the Armenian and Azerbaijani nations by the Azerbaijani leadership seems cynical and vulgar.

With this letter we address to international organizations, intellectuals and people of all the nationalities to publicly condemn the acts of vandalism of the Azeri authorities against the medieval Armenian cemetery of Old Juga (Julfa). We call upon the UNESCO and other international organizations to assist in removal of the Khachkars to Armenia, where they will be protected from barbarians."

The statement was signed by

Armenischer Jugendausschus München

Centеr of Social Economic Monitoring NGO
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