Analyst: Russian, Azeri FMs meeting won’t change situation with Karabakh

Analyst: Russian, Azeri FMs meeting won’t change situation with Karabakh

PanARMENIAN.Net - A Moscow meeting between the Foreign Ministers of Russia and Azerbaijan won’t affect the cardinal differences in the countries’ bilateral ties, a political analyst said.

According to Alexander Skakov, the future of the Karabakh conflict settlement and relations with Iran remain in the focus of attention here. “The issue with the status quo in the Karabakh conflict is still undetermined, the question remaining as to what the former will be replaced by,” the expert said.

“However, even a meeting between the leaders of Russia and Azerbaijan wouldn’t alter the situation. Also, the Karabakh conflict is far from being a priority on Washington’s agenda, with the U.S. currently more interested in Iran, situation in Georgia and Georgian-Armenian relations. Washington’s goal is clear enough: strengthening its influence in Georgia, as well as trying to weaken Russia’s presence in Armenia,” quoted the expert as saying.

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