Azeri President offers classic speech: threats, hatred, self-delusion

Azeri President offers classic speech: threats, hatred, self-delusion

PanARMENIAN.Net - A widely-hyped military parade in Baku has passed off as usual, offering nothing out of the ordinary and was closed by Azeri leader Ilham Aliyev’s speech that offered nothing new.

The Presidential speech adhered to best traditions of local propaganda interspersed with poor knowledge of history.

The Azeri leader stated, “today's military parade is dedicated to the 95th anniversary of our army. At today's parade Azerbaijani state will demonstrate its military power. Army building is a priority issue for us. This is an issue of great importance, especially for countries living in conditions of war. The war is not over. The first stage of the war has finished, and at any moment, our army must be ready to restore country's territorial integrity by any means.

The injustice continues for years. Internationally recognized territories of Azerbaijan are under occupation. Ethnic cleansing policy has been pursued against the Azerbaijanis.”

“Nagorno Karabakh is historically the native land of Azerbaijan. For centuries, our people have lived on these lands,” President Aliyev said. “The Erivan khanate, Goycha mahal and Zangazur are our historic areas. Baku will never allow establishing the second Armenian state on the territory of Azerbaijan. A strong army and a strong potential strengthen our position, which is based on historical justice.”

“Great attention has been paid to army building in the recent years. Our army is developing. This is an ongoing process. There is high spirit of patriotism in the army, as well as in the whole society,” the President said, forgetting all about increasing instances of death, acts of harassment and corruption in Azeri army.

As the President further noted, great development has been recently achieved in technical equipment of the army. He said that the most modern equipment and weapons have been recently purchased, with Azerbaijan spending huge funds on military purposes in the recent years.

"The entire budget of Armenia is about $2 billion. What it means is that Azerbaijan's expenditures on military purposes are twice as big as all of Armenia's expenditure. Strong Azerbaijan can speak with weak Armenia in any language. We give preference to negotiations just to preserve stability in the region," he underscored. "Azerbaijan is a country that has great influence in the region. No initiative can be implemented without Azerbaijan's consent," he said.

Clearly, Aliev prefers to turn a blind eye to plummeting oil production, budget deficit and soaring corruption. That’s a strange situation in which to boast the economic power, to say nothing of thousands of flood-affected villagers who’ve never got compensations promised years ago.

No matter how many “experts” or PACE members Baku manages to buy, or how many celebrities and politicians it blacklists, its chances to get revenge are waning.

International community can’t care less about Baku (or Armenia for that matter) – so if Alyev’s hopes for the former’s help in renewal of Karabakh war are futile. Oil and gas, used by Azerbaijan as a tool to gain its ends, always boded trouble for other countries. And Aliyev clan is in for the same fate...

Karine Ter-Sahakyan / PanARMENIAN News
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