Baku Pursues Genocide Policy against Armenia at State Level

PanARMENIAN.Net - The European Parliament considers demolition of Old Julfa Armenian cemetery separately from the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, while its sources should be sought in Azerbaijan's genocide policy against Armenians and the Armenian state, Director of Pan-Armenian Commonwealth NGO, Doctor of Political Science Armen Ayvazyan told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter. In his words, the European Parliament resolution denouncing Azerbaijan's actions in Nakhichevan, which inspired the Armenian party, does not solve anything. «The resolution can have an effect only if we attain a break-through in the information war. By the way, the resolution calls on both parties «not to demolish historical monuments.» What does it mean - again a sign of equality between Armenia and Azerbaijan - kind of political correctness? I have to emphasize that all resolutions recognizing the Armenian Genocide are vague - they do not specify the responsibility for the crime, sanctions against Turkey. On the whole, it is clear Azerbaijan pursues a purposeful genocide policy against Armenia at the state level,» Ayvazyan believes.

In Ayvazyan's opinion, the format and content of the talks on settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict are imitation or «unpardonable pliability of the Armenian party.» The political scientist is sure that Azerbaijan is going to solve the conflict by means of force and thus refuses from any concessions. «They want everything and at once. Armenia does not have the right to shut its eyes to the preparation of the war. The international community is ready to the solution by force owing to efforts of Azeri propagandists and we cannot hope for their censure,» he underscored.
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