Armenia Will Pay for Russian Gas as Much as Georgia

PanARMENIAN.Net - Starting on April 1 the price of the Russian gas being supplied to Armenia by Gazprom Company will run up to $110 for one thousand cubic meters. Armenia now pays $54. Shushan Sardaryan, Press Secretary of ArmRosgazprom Company, which supplies gas to Armenia, confirmed the reports on the rise in the price. In late December Deputy Chair of Gazprom Board Alexander Ryazanov emphasized during talks with Georgia that since 2006 the gas price will be the same for all South Caucasus countries - $110 for one thousand cubic meters. Right after Armenia stated that it has not received any notification from Gazprom on rise in price. In mid-January Armenia managed to postpone introduction of new tariffs till April 1, Interfax reports. Armenia until recently hopes that Gazprom will review its tariffs regarding that country, as it sees political motives in rise in gas prices for Georgia and Ukraine: Armenia is Russia's closest ally in the South Caucasus.
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