NKR Does Participate in Negotiation Process

PanARMENIAN.Net - Karabakh does participate in the negotiation process, but its participation bears asymmetric nature and is not full, Armenian President Robert Kocharian stated in an interview with the leading Armenian and Nagorno Karabakh TV Channels. "When the OSCE Minsk Group and the OSCE Chairman-in-Office pay visits to the region they always meet with the NKR leadership. Each time after the talks with the Azeri party I hold consultations with the NKR President. The same happens after the talks of the FMs. It means that Karabakh is undoubtedly engaged in the process and doesn't participate in the format of presidential talks only. We should understand that as a matter of fact the format of negotiations doesn't correspond to the conflict format. The real format of the conflict is as follows: Azerbaijan-Karabakh with the active participation of Armenia. The format of talks is someway asymmetric and inadequate to the conflict format. "Is the current negotiation format merely negative or does it nevertheless possess a positive resource? What is negative here?" Robert Kocharian said.

In his words, first of all Azerbaijan tries to use the format to accuse Armenia of aggression and seizure of its territories. As a matter of fact, this is a negative factor. "I can firmly say that the essence of the conflict is clear to all and everyone understands that Azerbaijan's refusal to hold talks with Karabakh is the consequence of psychological barrier caused by the war. All the other negative factors have been for some extent neutralized," he noted.
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