TRACECA Intergovernmental Commission 5th Conference Scheduled in Sofia May 2

PanARMENIAN.Net - Azerbaijan and Armenia will not be nominated for presiding the General Secretariat of the TRACECA Intergovernmental Commission for the next year. This is due to the sides voting against each other during the election of the Secretary General, TRACECA National Secretary in Azerbaijan Akif Mustafayev informed. Mr. Mustafayev said that the 5th conference of the TRACECA Intergovernmental Commission scheduled in Sofia (Bulgaria) in early April was postponed till May 2.

According to Mr. Mustafayev, a meeting of the TRACECA national secretaries will be held on May 1 and the issues included in the agenda of the conference will be reviewed there for the last time. "Reports will be made at the conference and we also plan to deliver a speech there. Besides, execution of the decisions adopted at the 4th conference will be heard. Approval of the TRACECA development strategy up to 2015, reformation of the organization into an international organization, projects planned for 2006 will be discussed and the general secretary and chairman will be elected", Mustafayev stressed. To note, TRACECA is currently chaired by Azerbaijan, while next year Bulgaria will preside the organization, APA reports.
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