Armenians in Estonia Commemorated Armenian Genocide Victims

PanARMENIAN.Net - Patarag liturgy was offered at St. Grigor Armenian Church in Tallinn on the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Turkey. Upon its completion those present lit candles next to a khachkar in the yard and laid flowers, reports Tsitsernak radio program of Estonian Radio 4. In the afternoon a concert was held in the memory of the victims of the Genocide at Rootsi-Mikhkli church. Soloist of Estonian men's national choir Armen Andranikyan performed Armenian motets. Yesterday Tsitsernak Armenian program of Estonian Radio 4 aired a broadcast on problems on the way of recognition of the Armenian Genocide and the Armenian Diaspora worldwide, which appeared as a result of pogroms and then Genocide in Ottoman Turkey. Candles were lit and flowers were laid at a khachkar in Tartu Estonian town as well.
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