Fragments of Crashed Plane Searched for in Radius of 60 km

PanARMENIAN.Net - The fragments of A-320 plane, which fell into the sea not far from Sochi, are searched for along the coastline from the border of Abkhazia to Golovinka village of Krasnodar Territory. Thus, the search zone makes some 60 km. Specialists believe the fragments could not be taken farther.

The sea bottom is examined by means of the sonar of Captain Beklemischev research ship and Kalmar deep-water device. Russian and Armenian specialists, as well as those of A-320 producer Airbus Industrie Consortium work at the location. The flight recorders are not found yet. The Ministry of Extraordinary Situations specified that there is no equipment at the place, by means of which these could be lifted if found.

The Russian party earlier expressed readiness to address foreigners for lifting the flight recorders, if corresponding means are not available in the country, reports RIA Novosti.
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