Each Day Reduces Chances to Find and Identify Victims

PanARMENIAN.Net - The Operative Headquarters of the Ministry of Extraordinary Situations (MES) does not rule out that the Airbus merely crumbled away into small pieces. This is evidenced by the fact that within a long period of time MES representatives find only small fragments, including passenger seats, in the water. «The seats were in the fuselage and if it was safe, they would not be scattered,» a MES expert said. The Headquarters representative supposed that at the depth of 680 meters, near the flight recorders there are small parts as well. According to the MES, some 10% of fragments of the airbus are lifted from the Black Sea bottom.

Though French and Russian experts promised to look for corpses of the victims until possible, experts hold that at a great depth and under the pressure they very quickly decompose and each day reduces the chances.

"It is not ruled out that the flight recorders will stay on the bottom forever. The depth, where the A-320 fragments are found is a record one, thus I am not ready to forecast the chances to lift the flight recorders. We do not have experience of lifting planes from that depth," the Russian Minister of Transport Igor Levitin said, reports Gazeta.ru.

Several planes collapsed at approximately the same place in 1972, 1976 and 2001. Their flight recorders were never found.
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