Armenia transfers $100,000 in aid to Iraqi Yazidis

Armenia transfers $100,000 in aid to Iraqi Yazidis

PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian together with Bradley Busetto, the UN Resident Coordinator in Armenia, Aziz Tamoyan, President of the National Union of Yazidis, Shaikh Bro Hasanyan, the religious leader of the Yazidis of Armenia handed Wednesday, Sept 2, a note to Christoph Bierwirth, the Representative of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) on transferring $100,000 to the account of the UNHCR Geneva Headquarters for providing support to the Iraqi Yazidis who have become targets of the Islamic State militants because of their religious belief.

Addressing the guests of the event Foreign Minister Nalbandian said that during the past weeks the attention of the international community is focused on Iraq, where religious minorities have been subjected to brutal campaigns of religious violence, the Public Radio of Armenia reported.

Armenia was the co-author of a resolution, which calls for immediate action to tackle the issue, adopted Monday by the UN Human Rights Council.

“The people and government of Armenia share the indignation and concern of Yazidi citizens of Armenia regarding the ongoing atrocities,” Minister Nalbandian said.

“As you know the Armenian government has decided to offer $100,000 as assistance to the displaced Yazidis in Iraq and today we hand the note about transferring that amount to the Representative of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Armenia,” he added.

Mr. Busetto, the UN Resident Coordinator in Armenia in his speech welcomed the decision, saying that Armenia’s participation in the UN’s humanitarian activities shows the important role of the country as a member of international humanitarian society.

Mr. Bierwirth, the Representative of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Armenia, hailed Armenia’s contribution as an important move to support the displaced people.

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