Armenian side obtains video proving Azeri violence against captive

Armenian side obtains video proving Azeri violence against captive

PanARMENIAN.Net - Defense Ministry confirms the reports that Armenian side obtained additional information on inhuman treatment serviceman Hakob Injighulyan suffered while in Azeri captivity, along with instances of gross violations of international humanitarian law and human rights, reported.

As Defense Ministry spokesman Artsrun Hovhannisyan stated in his Facebook post, “a video record is available clearly showing the violence used against Injighulyan, which was a means of forcing him into making false statements. It also accurately identifies the Azerbaijani saboteurs, who allegedly ‘visited their relatives’ graves’.”

“The video record has not been made public for ethical reasons. However, on the basis of a confidentiality agreement, it may be provided to international human rights organizations and diplomatic missions,” the Facebook post said.

Injighulyan, captured by Azerbaijan in August 2013 returned to Armenia in early October 2014.

As was earlier reported, Injughulyan was transferred to a UN refugee camp, with the news given to his family on August 28. "Hakob was reluctant to leave for the third country, but the only choice he was given was between leaving for the third country or dying," the captive’s brother, Harutyun, said at the time.

In a conversation with journalists, the serviceman said that he had gone astray on the day of captivity, negligently crossing the Azerbaijani border from Nagorno Karabakh. He promised to continue his service in the military, adding that he still has 9 months of army service left. Injighulyan further recounted hardships experienced in Azeri captivity.

“Yes, I was beaten. They threatened to shoot me to death. The interviews were given under pressure; they would call and tell me what to say. And before the Red Cross visits too, they would call me to give instructions; they would read my letters …” he said, confirming that his departure for the third country before arrival to Armenia was prompted by Azeri threats of death.

Injighulyan said he was held in a five-storey penitentiary for servicemen, where he had also met Armenians. He said he was offered medical help only once after he got harshly beaten.

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