Armenian Genocide: Poland Crawfishes and Decides to Support Turkey

PanARMENIAN.Net - July 5 Polish Speaker Marek Jurek's official visit to Turkey should take place. This is the first official visit to Ankara of the Chair of the Parliament of that country after the worsened relations due to Polish Seimas adopting a resolution on the Armenian Genocide on April 16, 2005. Thereupon the visit of Turkish Milli Mejlis Bulent Arinc was canceled.

The Polish government has taken a number of measures to settle "the problem arisen." In April 2006 Polish FM Stefan Meller visited Ankara and "supported the Turkish thesis on need for historians to examine the Armenian Genocide." During his visit M. Jurek is expected "to voice support to Ankara's position on the Armenian Genocide more clearly," reports Trend.
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