Guy Ritchie's "Knights of Roundtable: King Arthur" unveils synopsis

Guy Ritchie's

PanARMENIAN.Net - What Guy Ritchie's "Knights of the Roundtable: King Arthur" will entail is revealed. The movie which is expected to be the beginning of a new franchise for Warner Bros. will follow "a streetwise young Arthur" before he sits on the throne, AceShowbiz reports.

Arthur runs the back alleys of Londonium with his gang, unaware of the life he was born for until he grasps hold of the sword Excalibur - and with it, his future. Instantly challenged by the power of Excalibur, Arthur is forced to make some hard choices. Throwing in with the Resistance and a mysterious young woman named Guinevere, he must learn to master the sword, face down his demons and unite the people to defeat the tyrant Vortigern, who stole his crown and murdered his parents, and become King.

Charlie Hunnam plays the lead role. Astrid Berges-Frisbey is cast as Guinevere, Jude Law stars as Vortigern, Eric Bana as Arthur's father, and Djimon Hounsou as Resistance leader Bedivere. The film is due for July 22, 2016 release.

It has started filming, and Ritchie has posted the first image from the set. It gives a first look at Hunnam as the titular character.

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