Armenian community members meet with Canadian PM Harper

Armenian community members meet with Canadian PM Harper

PanARMENIAN.Net - Members of the Armenian Canadian Conservative Association (ACCA) met with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper shortly after he announced upcoming changes to legislation affecting Canada’s justice system.

The Prime Minister was accompanied by the Honorable Peter MacKay, Minister of Justice, and Ms. Roxanne James, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness.

About twenty ACCA members were present, led by their Chair Vatche Demirdjian and Vice-Chair Sevan Hajinian, who reiterated to the Prime Minister the organization’s support for Canada’s Conservative Government and its governing principles.

After Prime Minister Harper congratulated ACCA members for the founding of their organization, Hajinian gifted the Prime Minister a copy of her book, The Armenian Genocide Denied.

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