Kocharian Optimistic on International Recognition of NKR Independence

PanARMENIAN.Net - Legally, Karabakh today is an independent state, and the government there is striving to strengthen the governmental institutions, Armenian President Robert Kocharian stated in an interview to Al Jazeera TV company. In his words, for Yerevan, both possibilities - the NKR being an independent state and joining Armenia - are suitable. "I think in the future, relations between both countries - Armenia and Karabakh - will develop and form a federation. The future will decide what will come after that. The future generations will decide on the kind of relation the two countries shall have," the Armenian leader stated. Speaking of the opportunity for the international community to recognize the independence of Nagorno Karabakh, Kocharian said, "I do not recall any similar situation which resulted in recognition that came easily. Decades of hard work are needed for a young nation to get that recognition. There are factors. One important factor is for the world to see that an independent state has proven itself as an efficient state, capable of performing the tasks that any independent country can perform on its territories. I believe that Nagorno Karabakh has proven that it is a nation that can rely on itself and is capable of developing as a nation. Therefore, I am optimistic about the recognition. In fact, the Republic of Armenia and the Armenian Diaspora around the world are actively working on gaining this recognition soon so that Nagorno Karabakh can join the international community. In order to achieve this, Karabakh is making the necessary changes to build better social institutions and to achieve effective democracy", reported Groong.
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