France's Support to Development of RA Cooperation with European Structures Deserves Highest Evaluation

PanARMENIAN.Net - "After the proclamation of Armenia's independence France was one of those countries which first came to support our young state and still keeps on rendering assistance in the state building, economy development, culture and education," Armenian President Robert Kocharian said inaugurating the Square of France in the heart of Yerevan. In his words, France is Armenia's reliable ally on the European and international arena. "Our states hold a useful dialogue in various directions. France's support to the strengthening of cooperation between Armenia and the European structures deserves the highest evaluation. I would like to specifically note France's constructive role in the process of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement. During the recent years our economic ties have fixed considerable progress. Major French companies make investments in various sectors of our economy. I would like to welcome the leaders of several companies, who are present at this ceremony today. I would also like to point out to the ties between dozens of our regions and twin cities. We attach great attention and encourage the cooperation in scientific, cultural and educational fields. In this view the French University in Yerevan is one of the achievements. The University not only prepares skilled specialists but also coordinates Francophonie in Armenia. The Year of Armenia in France is the latest proof of the excellent relations between our two states. This is a golden opportunity to familiarize France and the whole world with our culture, economy, past and present.

There are Armenian monuments, squares and streets with Armenian names, Armenian houses and institutions in France. Over a hundred of monuments dedicated to Armenians and the Armenian Genocide victims have been inaugurated in various regions of France being the evidence of sympathy and respect towards the Armenian people. We are deeply grateful to the French people for this.

Mr President, I am glad that your visit to Armenia offered us the opportunity to give due to France naming this beautiful square the Square of France. This square is surrounded by theaters, musical institutions and museums. As a matter of fact this is one of the most favorite spots in our city, the knot binding various districts of Yerevan. This is the heart of Yerevan and the name of France is engraved on it. Let this name be eternal like our friendship. Long live France! Long live Armenia! Long live Armenian-French friendship."
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