VivaCell-MTS installs solar water heating systems in villages

VivaCell-MTS installs solar water heating systems in villages

PanARMENIAN.Net - VivaCell-MTS and the Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets (FPWC) marked the completion and presented the outcomes of yet another project implemented in Artsvaberd community in the framework of the joint Alternative Energy Project.

The initiative included installation of a solar water heating system and solar panels in the sports hall in the border village of Arstvaberd, Tavush province.

VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian, FPWC founder Ruben Khachatryan, chief of Arstvaberd community Volodya Uzanyan and community residents attended the event.

VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian hailed the Alternative Energy project, which will enable the local youth to train in wintertime as well.

The new system has been connected to the sports hall's heating and hot water system and includes solar water heaters with a capacity of 31.1 KW. The solar water heating system installed in the kindergarten is energy efficient and environmentally friendly. It will reduce water heating costs by 100% in summer and by up to 50-60% in winter.

VivaCell-MTS will allocate additional AMD 1.5 million for purchasing and installing new windows in the gym.

In 2015 VivaCell-MTS has spent over AMD 207,400,000 for the realization of the project.

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