RA President Congratulated NKR Leadership and People on Adoption of Constitution

PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenian President Robert Kocharian sent a congratulatory address to the leadership and people of Nagorno Karabakh over the adoption of the Constitution via a universal referendum, reported the RA leader's press office. The message says in part, "I congratulate the leadership of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic and Artsakhi people on the adoption of the Constitution via a universal referendum. With well-organized and efficient participation in the referendum the people of Artsakh one again proved their decision to live freely. The referendum proceeded in accord with the highest standards and laid one more stone in the fundament of the NKR state system.

The NKR has stepped on the path of democracy since the very first day of proclamation of independence and this was repeatedly proved by free and fair elections. The Constitutional referendum followed this good tradition and gave the possibility to consolidate democratic canons in the Organic Law of the state. Congratulating all Armenians on the referendum I wish prosperity, peace and sustainable development to the Nagorno Karabakh Republic."
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