Book about Artsakh War Hero David Sarapyan Issued

PanARMENIAN.Net - The presentation of the book titled "David Sarapyan: Life, Creation, Struggle." Took place in the RA House of Writers today. The book contains the works by David Sarapyan, one of the brightest representatives of the territorial army, who was fighting within Tigran Mets detachment and heroically died for the independence of Artsakh. He would become 40 these days, but he died at the age of 26.

According to General Arkady Ter-Tadevosyan (the Commander), David Sarapyan was gifted rare military and human features. "He was a fantastic and brave soldier who rated the love to Homeland above all," the General said.

For his part head of the Artsakh hierarchy of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Archbishop Pargev Martirosyan said, "He is one of the pillars of our victory, one of the corner stone in the temple of the Armenian nation."
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