Akdamar Church To Be Opened on 11th and Not 24th of April

PanARMENIAN.Net - The Akdamar Church, situated on Akdamar Island on Van Lake in eastern city of Van, will be opened on April 11. Turkish Press reports that the church has been renovated with the cooperation of Van Governor`s Office and Culture & Tourism Ministry. The publication says that Akdamar Church was constructed by architect bishop Manuel between 915 and 921 AD under the supervision of King Gagik I. "Among the important pieces of Armenian architecture, the church draws attraction with its stone workmanship and the relieves on its walls." The Turkish Press writes.

It is worth mentioning earlier it was declared that the church will be opened on April 24, the Remembrance Day of the victims of the Armenian Genocide. But after protests of the Armenian Diaspora in Turkey, particularly after Armenian Apostolic Church Constantinople Archbishop Mesrop Mutafian's protests the day of opening was moved to an earlier date.

In 2006 Armenian specialists were engaged in the process of reconstruction. The PanARMENIAN.Net journalist has find out from the Armenian Ministry of Culture and Youth Affairs that an Armenian cross has been constructed on the dome of the church.
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