Abkhazia to lift visa requirements for Nagorno Karabakh residents

Abkhazia to lift visa requirements for Nagorno Karabakh residents

PanARMENIAN.Net - Abkhazia is planning to lift visa requirements for residents of Nagorno Karabakh Republic and Transnistria, government representatives in Sukhumi told Russia’s state-controlled news agency on Tuesday, February 23, according to Georgian media outlets.

The move follows Abkhazian government's announcement earlier in February, envisaging a simplified visa regime from April 1 for citizens of countries that have recognized Abkhazia’s independence.

Abkhaz authorities plan to set up new border control checkpoints to offer visa on arrival, also eyeing a strict visa regime for all countries that refuse to recognize its independence.

Abkhaz officials believe the new visa regime will help regulate immigration. Local government officials previously voiced widespread concern about the residence status of foreign citizens from countries other than Russia. Under the current regime, they are allowed to remain in Abkhazia without proper work documents or tax payments.

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