Dink's murder made Turkey choose between West and East

PanARMENIAN.Net - Hrant Dink's murder has finally forced Turkey to choose between the East and West, Arpi Vartanian, the Armenian Assembly of America Regional Director for Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh said in an interview with PanARMENIAN.Net «If this state is really aspired to the EU and shares western values such as freedom of speech and human rights, Article 301 should be repealed. This article can provoke violence against national minorities - Armenians, Greeks, Assyrians and Kurds. I am convinced that the assassination of Agos editor Hrant Dink is a loss not only for Armenia or Turkey; it's a loss for the whole world. I am saying it with full responsibility, since Hrant Dink was commemorated in all the states where Armenian Diaspora lives. As you know, Armenians live almost everywhere. About 100 thousand people came out into the streets to bid their farewell to Hrant Dink. This proves that not all Turks are nationalists. I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that during those days Turkish press wrote about Dink as of the victim of Article 301 and the writing was courageous. Hrant Dink spoke not only about the Armenian Genocide recognition but about the rights of the national minorities and rights of Turks to freedom of speech. Dink's death is a replaceable loss and I cannot understand some politicians in Armenia and Turkey who try to profiteer in the situation. It's immoral,» she underscored.

At that Ms. Vartanian remarked that Istanbul is European Turkey I suppose that the government should proceed to enlightening the rest of Turkey, especially the eastern part. «In this view, I repeat, cancellation of Article 301 will be useful. It's hard to speak of any changes if an atmosphere of religious and national intolerance reigns in the state. There is, certainly, some progress. The Armenian Church on Akhtamar was reconstructed. However, if there is nothing written on it to prove this is an Armenian Church, it will mean that Turkey again tries to conceal the truth. All Armenian historical monuments that were preserved at the Turkish territory should be reconstructed with obligatory mentioning of belonging. Sometimes you can see an inscription «monument of Byzantine culture». And it's nothing but a recurrent lie,» she said.

  • Full text of the interview
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